Yu Yu Hakusho Episode 2: Koenma Appears
霊界のコエンマ! 復活への試練
Reikai no Koenma! Fukkatsu e no Shiren
Japanese air date: October 17, 1992
English air date: March 2, 2002
Episode Summary
Spirit Detective Saga
Botan brings Yusuke to the Spirit World to meet with its ruler, the fearsome King Enma. Surprisingly for Yusuke, he instead meets the 700-year old Koenma contained in the body of a toddler. Koenma, the prince of Spirit World, presents Yusuke with an opportunity to restore his life. He must incubate and hatch a magical egg that contains a Spirit Beast. If Yusuke’s soul is pure, the Spirit Beast will lead him back to his body. But if it is evil, the Spirit Beast will devour his soul and his body.